Still waiting on that First Act endorsement deal

33 years. Forever. That’s how long I feel like I have been looking for a drummer. We all know one or more people who play…guitar. Dime a dozen, one on every street corner. But a drummer? A drummer who you can count on, stand to be around and doesn’t have designs on your significant other? As rare as they come, it seems.

So, after the most frustrating year of my life with regard to the time keeping species I have decided to chuck it from the cheap seats and learn to play the stupid kit myself and just BE one of the divas. Sorry, was I projecting already?

Armed with my funky little First Act kit that I got at Target for $30 as a joke, some online lessons and inspiration from sweet liquor I begin the count off…because I read somewhere that if you can count to 4 you can play the drums.

I vaguely recall a quote from “The Commitments” about learning the drums…”takes control and skill so you’re fucked for starters.”

I may be.